Museo Aero Solar Orquestando Ciudadanía

Somos efímeros

por Ángela Bonavita
Chascomús, 20 de diciembre de 2021

En septiembre empezamos a juntar, cortar y pegar bolsas de plástico en distintas instituciones de Chascomus, para lograr un gran museo Aero solar de 12 x 36metros.

Hace unos días ese Museo Aero Solar se convirtió en sala de concierto y en bastidor de niñxs, jóvenes y adultxs.

Ver la obra terminada nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestro consumo. Cada unx de lxs que participamos en el armado aportamos una, dos o más bolsas y entre todxs juntamos (sin muchas complicaciones) las 4.000 que lo conforman.

¿Cuántas de todas esas bolsas habrán tenido más de 15 minutos de uso? ¿Cuántos negocios todavía insisten en usar plástico y cuántos otros lo cambiaron?

También nos gráfica un dato de color (bastante oscuro), este museo es el segundo más grande del mundo pero aún así, sería llenado con la basura de Chascomus que se genera solamente en TRES días.
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Somos efímeros, como el aire que entra y sale del globo, mutamos constantemente por el contexto o por cambios internos, como la forma del museo. Al mismo tiempo que cada unx de nosotrxs, somos parte de un todo, como cada bolsa que juntamos y reciclamos o tiramos. Pero vivimos en una sociedad tan inmersa en la rutina que pocas veces dimensionamos el impacto de nuestros actos y agarramos la bolsa del almacén o de ropa así sin mas. La mía + la tuya + la de ella…las cuatro mil.

Que lindo es usar el arte y el juego para frenar y cuestionarnos, compartir y aprender de y con tanta gente este proyecto.
El lunes una niña escribió una frase sobre la emergencia ecológica en el globo y me dió mucha certeza de que a su generación le llevaría bastantes meses más, juntar bolsas de plástico para armar su gran museo aero solar.

Aerocene at OpenCOP – COP26, Glasgow, Scotland

In late 2021, the Aerocene community was invited to take part of OpenCOP, a unique co-created virtual conference that facilitated exploration, broader ecological awareness, and collective solidarities. Initiated by Forum for Earth, OpenCOP was carried out in parallel to COP26 UN Climate Change Conference that took place in Glasgow, Scotland, from November 10th to 12th, 2021.

Over a 50-hour period, discussions and performances were live-streamed, alongside videos, digital art, and projects, accessible through the state of the art Sparkle online platform, bridging projects and voices beyond those present in Glasgow to the adjacent potential of decentralized and inclusive futures

The Aerocene community set up a virtual space within the OpenCOP Imaginarium Space. The Aerocene online space at OpenCOP allowed visitors to participate on an online screening room broadcasting the Aerocene Pacha Flights live transmission, interact with the online Aerocene App and Float Predictor, and chat through video-link with other participants.

OpenCOP brought together an emerging intergenerational solidarity of earth stewards from every discipline and bio-region around the world who poured their skills, knowledge, and passions into weaving healthier, more inclusive futures, bridging their work around local and global sustainability and regeneration projects.

Activists, system hackers, thought-leaders and organizations came together to co-create this online collective envisioning and sensemaking space. You can re-live all the conversations held at OpenCOP via Forum for Earth website.

La Isla de La Paternal

On Sunday Septermber 27th, members of the Buenos Aires Aerocene Community gathered for an aero solar flight at “La Isla de La Paternal”. “La Isla”, or the island, is one of the Buenos Aires city most important green spaces: a green lung surrounded by the neighborhoods of La Paternal, Villa Ortúzar and Angronomía, now at risk of an excluding real estate development.

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Climate Strike Berlin 2021

The Aerocene Berlin community participated on the September 24th Climate Strike, carrying a fully inflated aerosolar sculpture that had been modified with an inscrption: Uproot the system.

Tens of thousands of protesters gathered outside Germany’s parliament on Friday calling on authorities to take stronger action against climate change.

Swedish activist Greta Thunberg addressed the Berlin crowd from a stage, urging voters to keep politicians under constant pressure over climate change.

“We can still turn this around,” she said. “We demand change, and we are the change.”

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Wetlands Protest at Congreso de la Nación

On Wednesday 18 August 2021, the Aerocene community of Buenos Aires and the islands of the Paraná River Delta participated in the demonstration in front of Congress in favour of the Wetlands Law. The protest was organised by different civil society groups, self-organised movements and political parties, coordinated by the Multisectorial Humedales.

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Aerocene @ Abitare Conessioni Festival

In August 2021, the Aerocene Community was invited to participate of the Abitare Conessioni Festival, in the Barbagia region in Sardinia. Represented by Lorenzo Malloni, during several days Aerocene sculptures flew to the backdrop of of Orani, it’s people and beautiful town.

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Treptower Park Berlin

As the boreal summer slowly unfolds in the northern hemisphere, a group of Aerocene community members from Berlin set out to inaugurate the aerosolar floating season. United at Treptower Park, alongside the river Spree, they inflate the Aerocene sculpture contained in the Backpack by running around, filling it up with the same air we all breathe. As the sun heats, slowly, the air inside becomes warmer and thus lighter than the air outside.

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Aerocene Laboratory Moscow

Thirteen participants. Four months of waiting for a suitable weather forecast in Moscow. Two unsuccessful launch attempts with the Aerocene Backpack.

And finally, –20°C. We unrolled the black fabric, took in the air. The sun came out almost immediately. It took just a few minutes for the air inside to warm up and raise the sculpture.

We proved to ourselves that flying without fuel is real. Even in Russia, even when it’s a little crisp and snowy at –20°C. All we need is sun and a minimum of wind.

People will have to become even more weather dependent soon, will have to tactfully slow down and literally learn to plan flights. But why not? In my opinion, it’s awesome!

Launch data

  • 8th February, 2021, 10.50 AM
  • Chernogolovka airfield, Moscow region
  • southwest wind, 2 m / s

Organized by Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

Katya Vlasova
Katya Yakovleva
Nu Simakina
Nastya Mleko
Oks Rudko
Margarita Polyanskaya
Maksim Saleev
Nikolay Golikov
Svyat Kilesso
Ksenia Nechaeva
Denis Sivkov

Technical consultant Denis Efremov
Program manager Aleksandra Evtushenko
Curator Iaroslav Volovod

Patagonia Argentina

During the austral summer 2021, several Aerocene Community members were able to fly aerosolar, even in Patagonia! Neuquén and Río Negro signed this January the socio-environmental pact to preserve the air, so that we can all breathe.

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