for a common shared knowledge
Aerocene Newspaper II (2023)

Manifesto for an Ecosocial Energy Transition from the Peoples of the South
Aerocenic Struggles
Thinking about Ecosocial Transition: Lithium and Energy Colonialism
Lithium: the senselessness of trying to mitigate climate change at the expense of both nature itself and local communities
Fly with Aerocene Pacha
Notes on Aerocene Pacha
Lightness and gravity: flight and minerality
The resistance of indigenous communities against lithium extraction in a work of art in the Puna
The way it is – From Greta Thunberg to Aerocene in Salinas Grandes
The Puna is not a Triangle
Defending the Territory: A conversation with Pedro Uc Be
What Mountains Hold
Aerocene Newspaper I & II, Mandarin edition (2024)
Aerocene. Movements for the Air | Munich Landing (2020)

Aerocene Newspaper I, 2017

Air Crafted Architecture
Alter-engineered Worlds
High Altitude, Low Opening (H.A.L.O.)
I bind the Sun’s throne with a burning zone
On the Political Influence of the Sun
Piloting the Aerocene
The fixed and flowing air
Tianhe 天河区: Parables of the Celestial River
Aerocene Reader: Exhibition Road (2016)

Sensing Art in the Atmosphere
Sensing Art in the Atmosphere: Elemental Lures and Aerosolar Practices was first published in 2020, and traces the potential of artistic, community-driven experiments to amplify our sensing of atmosphere, marrying attentions to atmospheric affect with visceral awareness of the materials, institutions and processes hovering in the air.
Drawing on six years of practice-led research with artistic and activist initiatives Museo Aero Solar and Aerocene, initiated by artist Tomás Saraceno, each chapter develops creative relations to atmosphere from the studio to stratospheric currents. Through narrative-led writing, the voices of artists and collaborators are situated and central. In dialogue with these aerographic stories and sites, the book develops a notion of elemental lures: the sensual and imaginative propositions of aerial, atmospheric and meteorological phenomena. The promise of elemental lures, Engelmann suggests, is to reconcile our sensing of atmosphere with the myriad social, cultural and political forces suspended in it. Through tales of floating journeys, shared envelopes of breath and surreal levitations, the book foregrounds the role of art in crafting alternative modes of perceiving, moving and imagining (in) the air.
The book ends with a call for elemental experiments in the geohumanities. It makes an important and original contribution to elemental geographies, the geohumanities and interdisciplinary scholarship on air and atmosphere.

Aeronauts unite!
Can you imagine how would breathing feel in a post fossil fuel economy, and what is our response-ability?
How do we challenge geopolitical borders in an age of climate inequality?
While fossil fuel enterprises attempt to colonize other planets, the very same interface between us, the Sun and the atmosphere—the air—continues to be compromised. Carbon emissions fill the air, invisible radio waves develop in a hegemonic algorithm of finance, particulate matter floats inside our lungs.