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a kit that teaches you how to float

The Aerocene Backpack is a portable floating kit, which enables anyone to launch their own aerosolar sculpture and start sensing the ocean of air, lifted only by the sun,without the use of fossil fuels, helium, hydrogen, solar panels, or batteries.

With only heat provided by the sun, the enclosed aerosolar sculpture lifts several sensors contained within the SensAIR device that captures atmospheric data such as temperature, humidity, pressure and air quality.

The Backpack is designed to engage participants in thinking-through-making activity, stimulating imagination and creativity, and imparts information about solar balloon flight, thermodynamic physics, meteorological science, and art practices.

A poetic tool for imagining a renewed era without fossil fuels, the Aerocene Backpack is a sculpture that is intended to be borrowed or built autonomously, and is always evolving through an ongoing, collective process of construction through an open-source approach.

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The Aerocene Backpack is currently being tested and developed by a passionate global community of artists, geographers, philosophers, thinkers, speculative scientists, explorers, balloonists, and technologists, and many other enthusiasts.