Museo Aero Solar Rosa Río

Museo Aero Solar es un proyecto comunitario y abierto que ha sido replicado en todo el planeta. En los últimos 17 años, aterrizó en 60 destinos, 25 países de todo el mundo en los que se realizaron 82 proyectos desde el año 2007 hasta el presente. Al construirlo e intervenir con múltiples creatividades y sensibilidades, habitarlo o volarlo, descubrimos la oportunidad de viajar con el espíritu, de encontrarnos en sueños y pensamientos, y de llegar a lugares y emociones que de otra forma quedarían inexplorados.

Nacido en conversaciones entre Tomás Saraceno y Alberto Pesavento en 2007, el Museo Aero Solar se despliega en un espacio telúrico formado por seres humanos y no humanos a través de los sencillos actos de cooperación y la reutilización de bolsas de plástico, dando vida a una escultura aerosolar.

Durante su construcción, invitamos al público a dejar su huella, dibujando, escribiendo historias, creando sueños y deseos.


Campaña de recolección comunitaria de bolsas de plástico

Invitados por el CEC (Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas), un pequeño grupo de las comunidades Museo Aero Solar y Aerocene de Buenos Aires, viajó a Rosario para impulsar el proyecto, que apuntaba a recolectar 5000 bolsas de plástico de cualquier color y estampa con la ayuda de la comunidad, mediante los siguientes puntos de recolección:

  • El CEC
  • Escuela de Bellas Artes de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes
  • Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfico de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño de la UNR
  • El Centro de la Juventud
  • La Florida

Continuando el impulso y relación de la comunidad de Aerocene con la ciudad de Rosario, que comenzó hace 5 años en 2019 con la inauguración de los Galpones de Franja del Río, Aerocene y la comunidad Museo Aero Solar aterrizaron en Rosario una vez más en 2024.

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Construcción colectiva del Museo Aero Solar

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El martes 18 de junio, la comunidad de Aerocene se unió junto a arquitectos, diseñadores y estudiantes y el equipo del CEC. Usando cintas, tijeras y bolsas, creamos de manera comunitaria el primer paño del gran tetraedro, que continuó expandiéndose durante las siguientes semanas. 


En este proceso participaron también adolescentes del Instituto Belgrano, quienes aportaron sus dibujos al gran paño colectivo que se iba armando. Entre los mensajes escritos, se pudo leer “Sé feliz” y “Mereces lo que sueñas”, escrito por una estudiante de la Escuela de Bellas Artes de la UNR. Otro grupo de estudiantes de la UNR escribió: “Universidad Pública Siempre”.


En el patio central de la Facultad de Humanidades, extendimos el gran paño y entramos a  la burbuja formada por el paño inicial, siguiendo el canto en guaraní que propuso una de las alumnas. Al ritmo de “Ororú” nos mecimos en el aire, con el mensaje de ir juntos “caminando hacia la tierra sin mal”.


La campaña de recolección y re-significación de bolsas de plástico continuó con todo el impulso de la ciudadanía en Rosario, logrando el hito de 2500 bolsas recolectadas el 1ro de Julio y llegando al increíble número de 5000 bolsas aportadas tan solo una semana más tarde.

Inauguración - Festival de Vuelo y ciclo de películas Aerocene

Después de semanas de trabajo apasionado con la participación de más de 300 amigxs y miles de bolsitas de plástico recicladas, la inauguración del Museo Aero Solar tuvo lugar el 12 de julio en un escenario inmejorable: la ribera del Río Paraná.

La mañana comenzó con una sesión de vuelo aerosolar a la vera del Río Paraná con las esculturas de la Mochila Aerocene. Junto con amigxs, corrimos en círculos  sosteniendo la enorme apertura de la escultura para llenarla de aire, el mismo aire que todxs respiramos.

Con una suave brisa del norte y algunos rayos de sol, las esculturas negras y transparentes se elevaron junto al CEC, dando la bienvenida a la inauguración del Museo Aero Solar.

A las 12hs del mediodía comenzó una breve ceremonia de inauguración en la que miembros de la Comunidad de Rosario relataron con distintas miradas cómo el proyecto se enmarca en la ciudad, su gente y su cultura. Pero también enfatizaron en un contexto más amplio la forma en que el proyecto convocó a una  gran red de instituciones  y colaboradores gracias a quienes fue posible llevar a buen puerto este Museo Aero Solar.

Acompañadxs por la música del Dúo Ñapindá, la inauguración contó también con una sesión de danzas circulares con canciones elegidas por la comunidad, sutilmente guiada por la poetisa Amalia Boselli.


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Por la tarde, muchas familias se acercaron a ver las esculturas volar, y de la mano de la Comunidad de Aerocene, se dictaron talleres de vuelo aerosolar abiertos a la participación del público.

La exhibición del Museo Aero Solar incluyó un ciclo de cortometrajes del cineasta Argentino Maxi Laina, quien ha acompañado al artista Tomás Saraceno durante más de 30 años. Las películas exhibidas fueron:

– Sobre el aire (2018)

Documental poético y performático sobre la obra de Tomás Saraceno que busca transmitir

sensorialmente el punto de vista de un globo aero solar, su interacción con otras entidades y una búsqueda de un mundo libre de fronteras y combustibles fósiles. (Proyectado en el

Palais de Tokyo durante la muestra Carte Blanche de Tomás Saraceno)


– Futuros posibles (2019)

Documental poético social que narra diferentes acciones realizadas por la Fundación

Aerocene en comunidades vulnerables alrededor del mundo. (Proyectado en el Palais de

Tokyo durante la muestra Carte Blanche de Tomás Saraceno)


– Museo Aero Solar (2022)

Proyectado en la 17 Bienal de Arquitectura en Venecia 2021. Narra las diferentes acciones

del proyecto Museo Aero Solar alrededor del mundo.


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Charla por la justicia ecosocial y Teatro de sombras

El sábado 13 de julio, un día después de la inauguración, sucedieron cosas hermosas: recibimos a nuestra amiga Mel Argento, investigadora CONICET y militante ecofeminista quien forma parte de Abogados Ambientalistas, del Colectivo de Acción por la Justicia Ecosocial y el Grupo de Geopolítica y Bienes Comunes. 

En su exposición, Mel expresó la alegría de compartir con la comunidad de Aerocene este proyecto artístico y comunitario en un contexto actual de crisis ambiental y socioeconómica. Subrayó la necesidad de nuevas formas de pensar y actuar, enfocándose en la justicia ambiental y social, y criticó las soluciones tecnológicas que benefician solo a unos pocos privilegiados. En cambio, Mel promovió la gestión colectiva de bienes y energías, inspirándose en prácticas indígenas y en el Museo Aero Solar. Mel resaltó la importancia del arte como herramienta para imaginar y construir futuros posibles, basados en la interdependencia y el cuidado mutuo, proponiendo un cambio hacia una sociedad más justa y sostenible para todos.

La poetisa Amalia Boselli estuvo a cargo del taller de teatro de sombras. Por medio de sombras proyectadas sobre el Museo Aero Solar, Ama experimentó con esta antiquísima técnica para fomentar la imaginación, la narración y la colaboración. Luego, frente al río, Ama llevó a cabo también un taller de vuelo poético y exploración de sensibilidades mediante el vuelo aero solar.

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Agenda Aero Solar Rosarina

Las actividades propuestas por el CEC continuaron luego del evento inaugural el 12 de julio.

El 13 de julio, adolescentes se reunieron en una matiné de invierno con presentaciones de bandas en vivo, mientras que el 19 de julio, el ciclo “Solo por hoy” presentó un choque musical con CKCK Dúo y Puka en DJ set.

El 20 de julio, un encuentro enfocado en la ecología permitió explorar la biodiversidad de los humedales a través de actividades lúdicas y una estación de termofusión, reutilizando bolsas plásticas del Museo.

El ciclo “Solo por hoy” continuó el 26 de julio con Mingus Motion y Sofi Casadey, seguido el 27 de julio por el “Club de desconexión”, un espacio para la relajación, yoga y meditación.

En agosto, el 2 tuvo lugar el desfile cultural de Zarpar con Mike Amigorena y Manu Piró, mientras que el 3 se celebró el Festival de las Infancias, y el cierre del 10 de agosto combinó deporte, poesía y fotografía en un evento final lleno de creatividad y reflexión.

Créditos del Proyecto Museo Aero Solar Rosa Río

Desde Aerocene queremos destacar la participación de Ofelia Fernández, Amalia Boselli y Gabriela Sorbi que se suman por primera vez en este MAS Rosario creando “La grupa”, un equipo femenino e interdisciplinario que se puso al hombro el proyecto en momentos de zozobra y le dieron una impronta muy particular.

Queremos expresar un enorme agradecimiento a Maxi Laina que a la distancia, con cercanía, inspiró y coordinó la comunidad del Museo Aero Solar Rosario desde Reggio Calabria, Italia.

Video MAS Rosa Río

Dirección Maxi Laina

Producción Ofelia Fernández

Producción Aerocene Joaquín Ezcurra

Coordinación construcción MAS Carlos Almeida

Cámara y Edición Gabriela Sorbi

Cámara Cec Mariano Ferrari

Teatro de sombras, taller Futuros Posibles y danzas circulares Amalia Boselli

Musica Andina: Ezequiel Laina, Martin Torres Manzur y Germán Juárez

Comunidad Museo Aero Solar

Amalia Boselli
Ofelia Fernández
Gabriela Sorbi
Mel Argento
Maxi Laina
Carlos Almeida
Susana Díaz Paradot
Mica Almeida
Marco Buenavista
Joaquín Ezcurra

Equipo CEC

Ernestina Fabbri, Guillermo Calluso, Guillermo Pasquini, Fernanda Rivero, Julieta Rucq, Lilén Pelozzi, Jonatan Morabes, Magalí Drivet, Josefina Cricco, Facundo Lencina, Germán Mengo, Fernanda Mordini, Daniela Llanos, Adrian Chicando, Soledad Ferreyra, Angeles Vieyra, Hernan Altamirano, Martin Fiumato, Daniela Llanos, Lucas Roldán, Vladimir Lass.


Instituciones Colaboradoras

Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas (CEC)

Escuela de Bellas Artes de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes: Licenciatura y Profesorado en Bellas Artes Escultura III, Profesora Licenciada Susana Daz Paradot

Facultad de Arquitectura, Planeamiento y Diseño UNR, Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfico, 

Licenciada Fabiana Miorini

El Centro de la Juventud

La Florida

Galpón 11

Escuela Secundaria Belgrano

Secretaría de Ambiente y Espacio Público

Fundación Rosario


Participantes Museo Aero Solar Rosa Río

Agostina Salvidio Sánchez

Agustina Daiana Campos

Agustina Desmedt

Agustina Gregoris

Ailén Gallina

Alma García Cimolai

Amalia Lanzón

Ana Candela Pueblas

Ángel Villar Damián

Angela Porrini  

Angie Amarillo  

Anna Abril Cipollone  

Catalina Savino  

Celeste Casals  

Cintia Colazzo  

Claudia Monzón  

Cristina Tenaglia  

Dante Spinozzi  

Delfina Giovanetti  

Emilia Casaccia  

Emma San Millan  

Eugenia Lujan Illanes  

Eugenia Marelli  

Facundo López  

Fátima Cardozo Silguero  

Florencia Avalos  

Florencia Boccaccio  

Frida Bertolotti  

Gabriela Elias  

Galo Martinez Dorr  

Gaspar Losno  

Gerónimo Abdo  

Gonzalo Címbaro  

Guadalupe Ordazzo Haidar  

Guida Vincenzo  

Ignacio Maderna  

Ignacio Nuñez  

Ivo Di Chiazza  

Juan Pereira Marques  

Julieta Byorkman  

Lara Jazmín García

Leonardo Suárez Guzmán  

Leonela Cherara  

Lila Ruggeri Sfascia  

Livia Litmanovich  

Luca Bernardi  

Lucia Uzinger  

Magdalena Belcastro  

Maia Ludueña  

Maite Ayala  

Maria Balaguer  

María J Navarro  

María Julia Gimenez  

Mariquena Yuan  

Martina Amici  

Mateo Quintero  

Matías Achilli  

Maylén Abregú  

Melina Avalos  

Milagros Nuñez  

Paola Murias  

Pilar Gorischnik  

Regina Gutierrez  

Rocío Tarabán  

Rosaria Di Bartolomeo  

Sofia Pasetto  

Sofía Espinoza  

Sofía López  

Sofía Sinner  

Sol Aranda  

Solana Guereta  

Sophia Ruesca  

Susana Rasclard  

Valentina Castillo  

Venecia Puz  

Victoria Isabel Naharro  

Yazmin Otero

Museo Aero Solar Chiang Rai – Thailand Biennale

In Chiang Rai, a city known for its cultural and historical richness, the Museo Aero Solar project, conceived by Tomás Saraceno and Alberto Pesavento in 2007, is experiencing a new chapter. Recently, the community of Chiang Rai came together to create a new Museo Aero Solar using 5,000 repurposed plastic bags collected in a campaign, each bag carrying its own story and being saved from environmental harm. This project, embodying collaborative creativity and environmental consciousness, resulted in a unique aerosolar sculpture.

A diverse group, including Imm, Ice, Chris, Lena, Pan, Jude, Peam, Tomás and Joaquin, played a pivotal role in this initiative. They aimed to build an aerostatic flying sculpture that also serves as a museum, using recycled plastic bags as their primary material. Their effort signifies a transformation of pollutants into symbols of hope.

The plastic bag collection campaign led by Jude, Imm, and Ice in Chiang Rai was a significant part of the project. Several community groups actively participated, turning places that once saw these bags as litter into collection points. The campaign gathered over 10,000 recycled bags, highlighting the community’s effort to reduce plastic usage in daily life.


Thanks to all the institutions individuals that  who helped with the desquite of massive plastic bag collection campaign! Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Chiang Rai Vocational College, Chiang Rai Municipality School 5, Chiang Rai Provincial Administrative Organization School, Singhaklai House, Bedtime Hostel, and Lofi Cafe

On Saturday December 2nd, the community reconvened for a canvas drawing workshop at the Old City Hall’s lawn, infused with a renewed spirit of creativity. More students from Chiang Rai, together with whole families and friends spent the whole day drawing under the shadow, sheltered from Chaing Rai’s sunny weather. This was not just a gathering, but a celebration of expression, where thoughts, art, feelings, and messages were intricately woven onto the Museo Aero Solar canvas. It became a platform where artistic experience was secondary to enthusiasm, allowing everyone to contribute their unique perspectives.

On Monday December 4th, Thailand’s National Environment Day we launched the Museo Aero Solar Chiang Rai’s with it’s first inflation and inaugural flight at the Old City Hall. With just the right weather, everyone was able to witness the collective creation ascend, symbolizing our hopes and dreams, inviting everyone to use less plastic in our daily lives, for more sustainable future(s).

The project was invited to participate at the Chiang Rai Art Biennale, where Museo Aero Solar will be exhibited alongside diverse artworks that explore themes of history, culture, and the natural world. Guided by the artistic vision of directors like Rirkrit Tiravanija and curated by experts such as Angkrit Ajchariyasophon, the Biennale serves as a global canvas, stretching from the banks of the Mekong to the depths of the Amazon.


Tomás Saraceno, Pitchapon Imm Keereekaew, Parn Nattida, Joaquin Ezcurra, Kitipatra Jude Tandikul, Anantaya Chanlertpaisal, Chris Chou, Lena Chang, Kantida Chaichana, Sirithorn Srichalakom, Pakchira Bow, Piroonmas Bo Kajorndechakul, Keerati Lilly Wuttiskulchai, Apiwat Thongyoun.


Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Chiang Rai Municipality School 5, Chiang Rai Provincial Administrative Organization School, Chiang Rai Vocational College, Singhaklai House, Bedtime Hostel, Lofi Cafe, Budashilp organisation, Thailand Biennale, Office of Contemporary Art and Culture, Thailand Ministry of Culture.

Thailand Biennale curatorial team

Rirkrit Tiravanija, Gridthiya Gaweewong, Angkrit Ajchariyasophon, Manuporn Luengaram.

Thailand Biennale participating artists who visited Museo Aero Solar

Ernesto Neto, Sarah Sze, Haegue Yang, Michael Lin, Shimabuku, Tobias Rehberger, Zen Teh, Wang Wen-Chih, Maria Thereza Alves, Choulay Mech.

COMUNITARIA – Aerocene in Tre Archi

We’d like to share the story of COMUNITARIA, and independ event organized by the Italian Aeroce Community, leaded by Lorenzo Malloni @malloni.lorenzo, and On the Road Cooperative, which works in the area since 1994 protecting and promoting the human and civil rights of women, men, children and transgender people.


Thanks to the energy of italian architect Lorenzo Malloni -representing the Aerocene Italian community- the neighborhood of Lido Tre Archi in Fermo became a new hub for the international Aerocene collective.

The shared journey begun with an Aerosolar Sculpture Construction workshop, on which participants built an ultralight inflatable aerostatic balloon capable of flying using only solar radiation, and sewn following a geometric double-tetrahedron pattern to achieve its final form. The workshop took place on June 29 and 30, 2023, with the participation of five neighborhood community members. Participants from the activities recalled:

“..We had the opportunity to sew together not only an inflatable aerostatic balloon, but also our laughter, our words, our stories, which joined each other with scissors, needle and thread, to get to know each other and recognise each other as a community. The sculptures we collectively created were made to fly thanks to the teamwork of the skillful hands of young and old…”

After completing the construction phase, the participants were guided through a training process on how to fly the Aerosolar sculpture. The result of this interweaving made its debut during the event “ComunitAria – Aerocene in Tre Archi”, organised as part of the FAMI AGIRE di comunità Project at the Social Center Luigi Salvatori, San Tommaso Tre Archi, Fermo. After the event some of the newly become Aerosolar Pilots shared their impressions:

“…Watching the aerosolar sculptures fly was a breathtaking thrill! Heartfelt thanks go to Lorenzo Malloni @malloni.lorenzo for this opportunity, which he followed with heart and precision, conveying immense passion and professionalism, and for making the Lido Tre Archi neighbourhood an important hub for the Italian @aerocene community…”

Thanks to the Workshop participants: Meryem, Saida, Ousman, Happiness, Peace, Rajni, Favour, Edda, Maria, Ivana, Imran, Zohra, Palak, Alisa, Elvira, Ruben, Mouna; who patiently and committedly put themselves on the line, creating a wonderful work, and to Sint, Oltrelacoltre, ldgu and Ricky Antolini for colouring the afternoon with music and making people dance.

📸 Ph > Alessio Beato @alessiobeato

A new way of flying​ – aeronautical students in Forlì

An object from the Aerocene era challenged the aircrafts of the Anthropocene in their own territory; it was a meaningful experience for all participants.

On February 14, 2023, third-year students flew the Aerocene Sculpture into the skie of the F. Baracca Institute in Forlì, one of three aeronautical high schools in Italy, attended by students who come from all over Italy with dreams of becoming pilots or aircraft engineers.

The flight of the Aerocene sculpture was the last stage of a course that began in November 2022 and was designed at the boundary between art and science. Students learned the physics of an aerosolar flight and built two versions of Tetro following the manual available on the Aerocene website.

The course was designed thanks to the collaboration between physics teachers at the Baracca Institute and the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Bologna, within the FEDORA European research project. Together we designed an extracurricular course to observe what happens when scientific knowledge meets an artistic language and to develop the sustainability skills outlined in GreenComp, the European sustainability competence framework published by the European Commission in 2022. The European document is intended to be a guide for those wishing to develop educational projects aimed at developing sustainability competences. The Aerocene art project seemed a suitable opportunity to achieve these educational goals at the Baracca Institute.

The course began with a lecture introducing the works of Tomás Saraceno and the Aerocene project, followed by a lesson on the physics of aerosolar flights and a workshop on building Tetro.

Afterwards, we flew the sculpture twice. The first attempt on January 12 was on a sunny day, but light white clouds veiled the sun and did not allow the sculpture to fly successfully. The second attempt occurred on February 14, in the early hours of a beautiful sunny afternoon, with blue skies cleared of clouds. The sculpture soared a few meters into the open space around the school, a few dozen meters away from the runway of Forli’s small airport. An object from the Aerocene era challenged the aircrafts of the Anthropocene in their own territory; it was a meaningful experience for all participants.

The students were very happy to experience a new way of flying, totally different from what they learn in their school. The encounter with an art form was surprising and exciting for them and offered a unique opportunity to reflect on climate change and the need to change our habits. This experience expanded their idea of what it means to fly, made them understand how we can collaborate with nature, and showed an unprecedented way to relate to the air. The students had an artistic experience that emotionally enriched their vision of a more sustainable future, making the message more effective and persistent.

Now, it remains to finalize the project with the flight test of the two student-built sculptures as soon as the sun and wind allow. We are all happy to have been part of the Aerocene Community. The Baracca Institute will repeat the experience in future years, helping to raise awareness of Aerocene and expand its community.
At the end of the course, one student wrote, “I express my desire that art and science continue to travel together; working on this project has engaged me and I hope to work on equally exciting projects in the future.”

We hope that other schools will have the same experience.

Encuentro Salinas Grandes 2023 – CONFERENCIA DE PRENSA


En el marco del encuentro en San Salvador de Jujuy y la cuenca de Salinas Grandes y laguna Guayatayoc, las Comunidades indígenas de Salinas Grandes y Laguna Guayatayoc, el Colectivo de Acción por la Justicia Ecosocial y la comunidad internacional Aerocene convocan a una conferencia de prensa el día 13 de enero de 2023 a las 11:30 hs. en el salón en Unión de trabajadores del Turismo Hoteleros y Gastronómicos (UTHGRA), seccional Jujuy, ubicado en calle Benito Bárcena 676 de San Salvador de Jujuy.

Este encuentro marca la continuación de una relación de muchos años entre la comunidad de investigación y artivismo ambiental Aerocene, fundada en 2015 por el artista Tomás Saraceno, y las Comunidades indígenas de Salinas Grandes y Laguna de Guayatayoc. En enero de 2020, la escultura aerosolar Aerocene Pacha se elevó en las Salinas Grandes, permitiendo a su pilota, Leticia Noemi Marqués, flotar libremente, sin uso de combustibles fósiles, ni helio o litio, convirtiéndose en el vuelo más sostenible de la historia de la humanidad y estableciendo 32 récords mundiales reconocidos por la FAI. El globo  elevado ese día llevaba el mensaje propuesto por las comunidades “El agua y la vida valen más que el litio”. El proyecto Fly with Aerocene Pacha contó con el apoyo del grupo de música BTS, curado por DaeHyung Lee.

En esta oportunidad el equipo de Aerocene viajará junto a representantes del Colectivo de Acción por la Justicia Ecosocial (CAJE), entre ellxs Maristella Svampa, Enrique Viale, Gastón Chillier, Melisa Argento y Alejo Di Risio, así cómo también la abogada Alicia Chalabe, Bruno Fornillo del grupo de estudios en Geopolítica y Bienes Comunes, representantes de la Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, la curadora Inés Katzenstein, y las escritoras y ambientalistas Claudia Aboaf, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara y Graciela Speranza.

Entre el 14 y 16 de enero se desarrollarán talleres y grupos de trabajo junto con las comunidades en Alfarcito (declarado sitio de patrimonio histórico y cultural), de Salinas Grandes, cuyo objetivo es debatir sobre los escenarios regionales y globales de la transición energética, así como sobre los impactos e injusticias socioambientales de la minería de litio y la organización de las Comunidades indígenas de Salinas Grandes y Laguna Guayatayoc. Los talleres requieren inscripción previa. Si desea participar, póngase en contacto con nosotros a través de la página de contacto.

En conjunto con una agenda de actividades que incluyen la realización de talleres de trabajo en torno a las claves urgentes para la Transición Ecosocial justa desde el Sur global y la centralidad de los Derechos de Naturaleza en la defensa de la cuenca de Salinas Grandes y Laguna Guayatayoc, se presentará el primer corto de Pacha (Dir: Tomás Saraceno y Maximiliano Laina, Argentina/Alemania, 2020), una película sin fin que seguirá siendo expandida y modificada en diálogo contínuo con las comunidades, la cambiante situación en las Salinas Grandes, y la evolución de estrategias locales y globales ante la crisis ambiental, presentándose un nuevo corte en junio 2023 en Serpentine, Londres.

Estamos en tiempo de descuento. De cara al agravamiento de la crisis climática y la urgencia de encarar la transición energética, nuestro primer mensaje es: No queremos ser más zona de sacrificio. Necesitamos hacer la transición, pero no podemos aceptar cualquier transición energética, como la que quieren imponer actualmente a los pueblos del Sur, a través de la minería del litio, que amplifica las desigualdades sociales, étnicas y ambientales. Debemos escuchar las voces de los territorios, en la defensa del agua, salares y nuestros bienes comunes.

Visitá el sitio web del Territorio Salinas Grandes y Laguna de Guayatayoc


Viernes 13 de enero

Conferencia de Prensa

Hora: 11:30 hs.

Ubicación: Salón en Unión de trabajadores del Turismo Hoteleros y Gastronómicos (UTHGRA), seccional Jujuy, ubicado en calle Benito Bárcena 676 de San Salvador de Jujuy.


Sábado 14 de enero

Ubicación: Comunidad Alfarcito

10:00 – Taller 1 – Estrategias legales y visibilización de los derechos de las Salinas Grandes

13:00 – Almuerzo

15:00 –  Talleres prácticos para generar estrategias, imágenes y mensajes para la visibilización de la lucha en defensa de las Salinas Grandes.

19:00 – Proyección de Pacha.

Domingo 15 de enero

Ubicación: Comunidad Alfarcito

10:00 – Taller 2: Cómo dar visibilización a la lucha de las comunidades ante la transición energética y el aumento de la extracción de litio – varios casos

13:00 – Almuerzo

15:00 –  Talleres prácticos para generar intercambios, imágenes y mensajes para la visibilización de la lucha en defensa de las Salinas Grandes.

Salinas Grandes Meeting 2023

January 14—15, 2023
San Franciso del Alfarcito, Jujuy

We are running out of time. Faced with the worsening of the climate crisis and the urgency of the energy transition, our first message is:

We no longer want to be a sacrifice zone. We need the transition, but we cannot accept just any energy transition, such as the one that is currently trying to be imposed on the peoples of the South through lithium mining, which amplifies social, ethnic and environmental inequalities. We must listen to the voices of the territories, in defense of water, salt flats and our common goods.

This meeting marks the continuation of a long-standing relationship between the research and environmental artivism community Aerocene, founded in 2015 by artist Tomás Saraceno, and the indigenous communities of Salinas Grandes and Laguna de Guayatayoc. In January 2020, the aerosolar sculpture Aerocene Pacha rose over the Salinas Grandes and floated with its pilot, Leticia Noemi Marqués, without the use of fossil fuels, helium or lithium, becoming the most sustainable flight in human history and setting 32 world records recognized by the FAI. The balloon carried the message “Water and life are worth more than lithium” written with the communities of Salinas Grandes and Laguna de Guayatayoc. The Fly with Aerocene Pacha project was supported by the music group BTS, curated by DaeHyung Lee.

On this occasion, the Aerocene team will travel together with representatives of the Colectivo de Acción por la Justicia Ecosocial (CAJE), including Maristella Svampa, Enrique Viale, Gastón Chillier, Melisa Argento, and Alejo de Risio, as well as the lawyer Alicia Chalabe and representatives of the Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Bruno Fornillo, from the group Geopolítica y bienes comunes, curator Inés Katzenstein, and writers and environmentalists Claudia Aboaf, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara and Graciela Speranza.

In conjunction with an agenda of activities that includes workshops on key components for a just Ecosocial Transition from the global South and the centrality of the Rights of Nature in the defense of the Salinas Grandes and Laguna Guayatayoc watershed, the screening of the first cut of Pacha (Dir: Tomás Saraceno and Maximiliano Laina, Argentina/Germany, 2020) will take place. Pacha is an ever-changing film that will continue to be expanded and modified in ongoing dialogue with the communities, the changing situation in the Salinas Grandes, and the evolution of local and global strategies in the face of the environmental crisis, with a new arrangement being presented in June 2023 at Serpentine, London.

* Workshops require prior registration. If you’d like to participate please get in touch with via the Contact page


Friday, January 13

11:30 hs.

Location: Union of Hotel and Gastronomic Tourism Workers (UTHGRA), Jujuy section, located at 676 Benito Bárcena St., San Salvador de Jujuy.

Saturday, January 14th

Location: Alfarcito Community


8 hs.

Community breakfast in San Francisco de Alfarcito

10 hs.

Workshop 1 – Legal Strategies and Visibilization of the Rights of the Salinas Grandes


13 hs.

Community lunch in San Francisco de Alfarcito

15 hs.

Practical workshops to generate strategies, images and messages for the visibilization of the struggle in defense of the Salinas Grandes.

19 hs.

Screening of Pacha (Dir: Tomás Saraceno and Maximiliano Laina, Argentina/Germany, 2020)


A film with the Aerocene community by Tomás Saraceno with Maximiliano Laina, from the Fly with Aerocene Pacha series.

  • Argentina/Germany, 2020
  • Saturday 14 January 2023, 19 hs.
  • Club Social y Deportivo el Porvenir, Av. San Martín s/n, San Francisco de Alfarcito
  • 34 min.

Pacha highlights local communities’ transgenerational testimonies on climate change and their protest against lithium mega-mining, in defence of the salt flat’s fragile ecology, biodiversity and ancestral traditions.

Sunday, January 15th

Location: Alfarcito Community


8 hs.

Community breakfast in San Francisco de Alfarcito

10 hs.

Workshop 2: How to give visibility to the struggle of communities in the face of the energy transition and increased lithium extraction – Several cases


13 hs.

Community lunch in San Francisco de Alfarcito

15 hs.

Practical workshops to generate strategies, images and messages for the visibility of the struggle in defense of the Salinas Grandes.

Ecosocial Justice Action Collective (CAJE)

Maristella Svampa, Enrique Viale, Gastón Chillier y Melisa Argento, Alejo di Risio

FARN - Environment & Natural Resources Foundation

Pía Marchegiani, María Laura Castillo Díaz

Mirá - Ecofeminist and Socio-environmental Collective

Maristella Svampa, Claudia Aboaf, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara

AADEAA - Argentine Association of Environmental Lawyers

Enrique Viale, Maristella Svampa

Alicia Chalabe

Lawyer for the Indigenous Communities of Salinas Grandes, Jujuy

Verónica Chávez

President of the Aboriginal Community Santuario Tres Pozos

Inés Katzenstein

Visual Arts Curator

Graciela Speranza

Critic, Storyteller, Screenwriter

International Aerocene Community

Tomás Saraceno, Maxi Laina, Lucía Cash, Joaquín Ezcurra

Frontignano Art Walks, Italia

Il 15 ottobre Aerocene si è alzata in volo a Frontignano, una piccola frazione del comune di Ussita, in provincia di Macerata.

Situata nel cuore del Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, la cittadina è tristemente nota per essere stata uno degli epicentri dei terremoti del 2016: un evento, quello sismico, che ha messo in ginocchio la città, danneggiandola in modo sostanziale e decimando al contempo il numero di turisti che ogni inverno affollavano queste zone per le attività sciistiche.

L’evento si proponeva di riflettere sul significato e sulle possibilità degli “altipiani”, di ripensare le montagne e di come viverle in modo autentico e non invasivo. cittadina è tristemente nota per essere stata uno degli epicentri dei terremoti del 2016: un evento, quello sismico, che ha messo in ginocchio la città, danneggiandola in modo sostanziale e decimando al contempo il numero di turisti che ogni inverno affollavano queste zone per le attività sciistiche.

La scultura Aerocene ha volato attraverso lo splendido scenario e, in assenza di vento, si è alzata lentamente sopra l’orizzonte, mentre un pubblico attento seguiva i suoi movimenti ondulatori.

Sineglossa (@sineglossa_), C.A.S.A. (@portodimontagna), orizzontale (@orizzontale_architecture), BAM! Strategie Culturali (@bamstracult) e Go World (@goworld_touroperator).

Museo Aero Solar Intiñan – COP20, Lima, Perú

We can become aerosolar

By Pablo Suarez, Ph.D.
Innovation Lead
Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

On Sunday, December 7, 2014, Museo Aero Solar Intiñán became lighter than air and lifted off the ground, in the context of the annual UN Climate Conference in Lima -COP20. The event included former heads of state, national ministers, and leaders of development organizations from all continents. No need for helium or a burning flame feeding off fossil fuels: Just sunlight and the flame of motivated volunteers.

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Under Tomás’ vision and guidance, a team of local volunteers set to work, including artists, students and Red Cross youth, as well as grandmothers and children from the slums near Parque Wiracocha. They collectively constructed a Museo Aero Solar: a large, lighter-than-air sculpture made of plastic bags that would otherwise be trash, engaging people across generations. Named “Intiñán” (a Quechua word meaning “way of the sun”), the sculpture aimed to harness the sun’s power to make our thinking and action take flight.


While Museo Aero Solar Intiñán was absorbing the sun’s power before it took flight, many participants decided to experience the magic. People in suits and neckties removed their shoes and crawled into this cathedral of light made of simple plastic bags. An artistic vision was uniting Lima’s shanty town dwellers with Nobel-prize-winning scientists, Bangladeshi community organizers, TV crews, European donors and Ugandan disaster managers, all bonding and reigniting their commitment to a better world while looking up to the luminous world of possibilities from inside the incomprehensibly beautiful sculpture.

I imagine what Pablo must have gone through, to get bureaucratic sign-off on this. No metric of success. No Theory of Change. Him, fighting tooth and nail for a large and hugely risk-averse organization to trust, falls into the arms of a community, an artist, a facilitator, and a game maker. And they did. And it changed the entire event. People in suits crawling into this cathedral made of plastic bags, each individually cut and added with love to the whole. A pile of fancy shoes outside the entrance, like a ballroom bouncy castle. People’s unabashed joy watching art some of them had made into a room, and then lift off to become a transport

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Intiñán incarnated what our world needs: We can become aerosolar. We can mobilize the power of humanity, embracing science and art to rekindle our relationship with the world. The beauty, the sheer joy, and the deep inspiration that emerged from embarking on Tomás’ aerosolar ideas were magnificently uplifting. His invitation to an artistic experimental performance was an innovative, seriously fun endeavour that compelled us to re-imagine the world and its possibilities.

Hosted by Development & Climate Days, 2014: Zero poverty, Zero emissions, Within a generation.


Studio Tomás Saraceno

Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

Overseas Development Institute

American Red Cross

Peruvian Red Cross

Pablo Suarez, Carlos Pedreros, Willow Brugh, Helga Elsner Torres, Ramiro Espinoza Wong, Frances Munar Aparicio and many more!

Aerocene at the Grand Palais – COP21, Paris, France

During the end of 2015, “Aerocene – Around the world to change the world”, an open project by Tomás Saraceno was presented at Grand Palais and Palais de Tokyo during the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP21. In the week spanning December 4 – 11 visitors to at Grand Palais in Paris, France, were able to admire the gigantic Aerocene sculptural installation, floating above the COP21 main conference venue.

The material realization was surpassed by the message it bore: Its aesthetic form followed a both utopian and real idea of open source force of movement. Inflated by the air, lifted by the sun, carried by the wind, the Aerocene project questions and seeks answers to our current and troublesome dependency on fossil and hydrocarbon fuels and pollution – the topics that place Aerocene at the core of the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP21 topical framework.

Around the world to change the world

Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno, © 2015
Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno, © 2015
Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno, © 2015
Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno, © 2015
Photography by Studio Tomás Saraceno, © 2015

In a world divided by geopolitics, Aerocene calls for participation and do-it-together actions. Crossing the frontiers between art, science and education, it becomes a visionary and open platform of shared knowledge. Thus it seeks for the deep understanding of our planet and all its physical, natural and social entanglements in order to project new ways of how we can move, dwell and be-together here on Earth.

For COP21 Paris, the artist presented the first Aerocene prototype at Grand Palais that will be able to circumnavigate the earth many times. At Palais de Tokyo, a symposium and a demonstrative workshop was organized, and a series of actions and collective performances, based on open-source collaborative principles, took place. Conformed participants of three panels’ event included Leila W. Kinney (MIT CAST), Marion Ackermann (Kunstsammlung NRW, K21 Düsseldorf), Oliver Morton (The Economist), Bronislaw Szerszynski (Lancaster University) and others.

Aerocene is an extraordinary work of art that is at once a sketch of a cutting-edge scientific laboratory for the environment, a technical and collaborative challenge and a committed work of art. The objective of this ambitious project, imagined by the Argentine artist Tomas Saraceno, is to float in the stratosphere, between planes and satellites, an open data climate watch, providing data and images in real time. To achieve this, the artist has imagined an innovative machine capable of carrying out "the longest thermodynamic flight" around the world, i.e. relying solely on the heat of the sun (without solar panels), the earth's infrared and natural physical processes. This sculptural "science fiction" will be presented in prototype form in the nave of the Grand Palais. At the same time, a symposium and workshop will be held at the Palais de Tokyo on the circulation of energy and its "poetic, ethical and political" implications.

Aerocene at Nextones Festival in Italy

On July 27th and 28th Aerocene community member Lorenzo Malloni carried out a 2-day workshop: 26 Steps to be On Air during the Nextones Festival in the Val d’ Ossola, Italy.


Using inexpensive Do-It-Together techniques, the workshop’s twelve participants built two enourmous Tetro Aerosolar sculptures, that were later flown to excellent conditions. About the recent workshop, Lorenzo recalls: “We strictly followed the Aerocene sculpture construction method, including corner reinforcements and an inflation opening with velcro stripes”.

On the third day the participants were able to fly the sculptures collectively built. During the first half hour the wind was very low providing almost ideal conditions, and the sculptures took only five minutes to become buoyant. In Lorenzo’s words: “The alpine air was fresh and chill and the summer sun did the rest”.


Aerocene seeks to change how people relate to the world in environmental, social, and political terms. To build, and to design the sculpture is to engage participants in practices of thinking-through-making and collaborative action, triggering imagination and creativity, and spreading knowledge about solar balloon flights, thermodynamic physics, meteorological science and art practices through a multidisciplinary approach.⁠

Nextones project for “A Theatre of Stone in Nature” stands out as an example of architectural and landscape design which draws on the natural context and the industrial archeology of the location, thus ensuring the continuation of a narrative and enabling future generations to actively experience these spaces and also to contribute to their transformation.

Picture credits: Piercarlo Quecchia / DSL Studio