Marcha Federal Universitaria


El martes 23 de abril marchamos con la escultura aero solar Aerocene intervenida con esta leyenda en la FADU, UBA, en el marco de la construcción del Museo Aero Solar de la Cátedra Proyectual Goldenstein.

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“Va tomando aire y vuelo una sociedad que se está despertando”

Las palabras de Carlos Almeida @carlosalmeida.unsam nos recuerdan que la lucha por la educación pública es una lucha por el futuro de nuestro país.

Nuestra participación en la Marcha fue retratada por el diario Página 12!

Planetary Narratives 2: Fly with Pacha into the Aerocene

The Aerocene Community is really excited to have been part of “Planetary Narratives 2: Fly with Pacha into the Aerocene” on 11 April 2024, in Zurich, Switzerland. Organised by WeAreAia and Art2m, the programme began with a tour of the More-Than-Planet exhibition with curators Ewen Chardronnet and Martina Huber , followed by a presentation on the current controversy of Anthropocene voting by Debjani Bhattacharyya, Professor of Anthropocene History at the University of Zurich. We were also joined by artists of the exhibition Maya Minder, Monica Ursina Jäger, and partners SGMK, Symbiont.Space, Lowenbraukunst Zurich, and Human Rights Film Festival.

With the presence of the co-director of the documentary Maximiliano Laina and Aerocene activist Olivia Laina, the film “Fly with Pacha, to the Aerocene” was screened at the Schwarzescafé of Luma Westbau. Afterwards there was a conversation between members of the Aerocene community and the audience about the current situation of the indigenous communities in Salinas Grandes de Jujuy. The event was co-organised by WeAreAia and Art2m, with the support of Studio Tomas Saraceno, schwarzescafé I Luma Westbau, Pro Helvetia, and Creative Europe

On Sunday, April 14, the Aerocene community gathered in Zurich’s Kasernenareal park for a solar flight, which was attended by many friends: Maxi and Olivia Laina, Ewen Chardronnet, Maya Minder, Martina Huber ,Gianni Jetzer, and Aerocene human flight pilot Lea Zeberli , along with Pep Juliá, Collectively they chose to write a caption on the balloon that read “LA TIERRA SE LEVANTA”.

Photography: Ewen Chardronnet, Martina Huber, Maya Minder, Maxi Laina, Gianni Jetzer

Museo Aero Solar Chiang Rai – Thailand Biennale

In Chiang Rai, a city known for its cultural and historical richness, the Museo Aero Solar project, conceived by Tomás Saraceno and Alberto Pesavento in 2007, is experiencing a new chapter. Recently, the community of Chiang Rai came together to create a new Museo Aero Solar using 5,000 repurposed plastic bags collected in a campaign, each bag carrying its own story and being saved from environmental harm. This project, embodying collaborative creativity and environmental consciousness, resulted in a unique aerosolar sculpture.

A diverse group, including Imm, Ice, Chris, Lena, Pan, Jude, Peam, Tomás and Joaquin, played a pivotal role in this initiative. They aimed to build an aerostatic flying sculpture that also serves as a museum, using recycled plastic bags as their primary material. Their effort signifies a transformation of pollutants into symbols of hope.

The plastic bag collection campaign led by Jude, Imm, and Ice in Chiang Rai was a significant part of the project. Several community groups actively participated, turning places that once saw these bags as litter into collection points. The campaign gathered over 10,000 recycled bags, highlighting the community’s effort to reduce plastic usage in daily life.


Thanks to all the institutions individuals that  who helped with the desquite of massive plastic bag collection campaign! Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Chiang Rai Vocational College, Chiang Rai Municipality School 5, Chiang Rai Provincial Administrative Organization School, Singhaklai House, Bedtime Hostel, and Lofi Cafe

On Saturday December 2nd, the community reconvened for a canvas drawing workshop at the Old City Hall’s lawn, infused with a renewed spirit of creativity. More students from Chiang Rai, together with whole families and friends spent the whole day drawing under the shadow, sheltered from Chaing Rai’s sunny weather. This was not just a gathering, but a celebration of expression, where thoughts, art, feelings, and messages were intricately woven onto the Museo Aero Solar canvas. It became a platform where artistic experience was secondary to enthusiasm, allowing everyone to contribute their unique perspectives.

On Monday December 4th, Thailand’s National Environment Day we launched the Museo Aero Solar Chiang Rai’s with it’s first inflation and inaugural flight at the Old City Hall. With just the right weather, everyone was able to witness the collective creation ascend, symbolizing our hopes and dreams, inviting everyone to use less plastic in our daily lives, for more sustainable future(s).

The project was invited to participate at the Chiang Rai Art Biennale, where Museo Aero Solar will be exhibited alongside diverse artworks that explore themes of history, culture, and the natural world. Guided by the artistic vision of directors like Rirkrit Tiravanija and curated by experts such as Angkrit Ajchariyasophon, the Biennale serves as a global canvas, stretching from the banks of the Mekong to the depths of the Amazon.

La Criatura ’23

Durante el fin de semana del 1 de octubre la comunidad de Aerocene en Buenos Aires se sumó a la Cumbre Performativa La Ciatura-23, que se llevó a cabo en la histórica Manzana de las Luces del Centro Porteño.

El encuentro se desarrolló, según lxs organizadorxs, “en un escenario social atravesado por la crisis y la representación” con el objetivo de “invitar a reflexionar y dialogar en torno a cómo se construyen y comunican las crisis de la sociedad contemporánea”.

Estuvimos presentes el sábado repartiendo copias del diario Aerocene, conversando con la gente acerca de la problemática de la extracción del litio en Salinas Grandes, Jujuy y nos alegramos muchísimo de encontrarnos con grandes amigxs como Verónica Chávez, Alejo di Risio y Quique Viale, quienes participaron del Tribunal Simbólico de la Justicia Ambiental.

El domingo, las condiciones meteorológicas fueron ideales y poco antes de las 3 de la tarde, con casi nada de viento, mucho sol y compañerismo, la escultura Aerocene se infló con aire, y casi inmediatamente comenzó a flotar. Participantes de la Cumbre La Ciatura-23 y del público en general dieron sus primeros pasos como pilotxs aerosolares entre gritos de emoción por los poéticos movimientos de la escultura flotando en el aire.

En conjunto, las comunidades de Aerocene y de La Criatura decidieron volar la escultura aero solar con dos banderas, la Wiphala en representación de los pueblos indígenas de la provincia de Jujuy, que luchan contra el avance extractivista, y la bandera del orgullo gay, reivindicando los derechos LGBT+. La unión de ambas banderas representó el deseo de poder convivir de manera pacífica, reinvidicar derechos y priorizar las soluciones colectivas y solidarias ante el avance de la extrema derecha en nuestro país.

Agradecemos enormemente a Fede Zukerfeld y Loreto Garín por la invitación a participar de la Cumbre. 

“Fly with Pacha—into the Aerocene” premieres in Argentina at CCK

On Saturday August 5th, the documentary film by Maxi Laina and Tomás Saraceno “Fly with Pacha—into the Aerocene” was premiered in Argentina. We were so thrilled to see the theater hall completely full and to have shared this special event with all of you!!! After the screening, the Aerocene community hosted a panel discussion with representatives from the Indigenous Communities, Verónica Chávez y Erika Cañari from Salinas Grandes, philosopher Maristella Svampa and environmental lawyer Enrique Viale. We would also like to offer our thanks to Claudia Aboaf for hosting the evening.

Saturday’s screening closed a week during which more than sixty communities of native peoples toured the provinces of the country, culminating with the arrival of the Third Malón de la Paz (Peace March) in Buenos Aires. They have demonstrated peacefully, meeting with legislators and different human rights representatives to make their struggle visible.

Currently in Argentina, the indigenous communities have been manifesting day and night for over a week in front of the tribunals on the central plaza in Buenos Aires, bravely resisting the repressive constitutional reforms that threaten their livelihoods. These communities continue to occupy the main squares in Buenos Aires, but unfortunately due to the government’s refusal to hear their voices, this struggle continues without resolution. 

Fly with Pacha—into the Aerocene, portrays the long-standing relationship between many ever-growing communities across multiple continents, documenting the ongoing collaboration between Aerocene and the Indigenous Communities of of Salinas Grandes and Laguna de Guayatayoc, in Jujuy, Northern Argentina, who are fighting to protect their land against the rapid corporate extraction of lithium from their salt plains, driven by the demand for batteries, which is depleting water resources in the region and contaminating the Earth. 

“A message, a film, a journey around the sun with Pachamama, a space-time towards eras of complementarities.”

A huge thank you to everyone who joined on Saturday for the premiere of at the CC Kirchner!

Aerocene en Fête – Hangar Y

On Friday July 14th, the Aerocene Community gathered in Hangar Y @hangar_y_, southwest of Paris, for “Aerocene en Fête”, a unique collaborative and performative experience. Hangar Y is the world’s first airship hangar, originally built in 1879. A historical site were many dreams of lighter than air transportation were born almost a century ago, Hangar Y was the background for Aerocene solar sculpture flights.

Aerocene Community members Sasha Engelman and Maxi Laina joined the encounter traveling by train from London and Berlin respectively. Together with Ewen Chardronnet and Cedric Carles, they piloted solar sculptures inviting the general public and curious curious passers-by to become aerosolar pilots themselves.

During the exhibition, visitors were able to watch Aerocene collective’s most recent audiovisual work, “Fly with Pacha, Into the Aerocene” (2017-ongoing, directed by Maxi Laina and Tomás Saraceno).

The surrounding park was explored in a solar parade guided by Paleoenergie and accompanied with solar music beats by Solar Sound System. Thibaut Piel set a vintage photo booth of guests reading the Aerocene Newspaper.


The day ended with a conversation with Maxi Laina, Sasha Engelman, Cedric Carles and Ewen Chardronnet. The themes were as urgent as inspiring: lithium extraction in Argentina and the threats for local communities’ access to water, the Open Weather project and open source measurements of air pollution on the eve of the +1.5C threshold, the history of low-carbon flights and the environmental impact of the rocket industry.

Thanks to everyone who came together for this fantastic encounter of memories, dreams and hopes! Let’s keep envisioning a renewed call for planetary solidarity and mutual care.

The Aerocene community met together in collaboration with ART2M, Makery, Atelier21 and Hangar Y.

With support from Mondes Nouveaux

Ph 📸: Malo Chardronnet and Carine LM

COMUNITARIA – Aerocene in Tre Archi

We’d like to share the story of COMUNITARIA, and independ event organized by the Italian Aeroce Community, leaded by Lorenzo Malloni @malloni.lorenzo, and On the Road Cooperative, which works in the area since 1994 protecting and promoting the human and civil rights of women, men, children and transgender people.


Thanks to the energy of italian architect Lorenzo Malloni -representing the Aerocene Italian community- the neighborhood of Lido Tre Archi in Fermo became a new hub for the international Aerocene collective.

The shared journey begun with an Aerosolar Sculpture Construction workshop, on which participants built an ultralight inflatable aerostatic balloon capable of flying using only solar radiation, and sewn following a geometric double-tetrahedron pattern to achieve its final form. The workshop took place on June 29 and 30, 2023, with the participation of five neighborhood community members. Participants from the activities recalled:

“..We had the opportunity to sew together not only an inflatable aerostatic balloon, but also our laughter, our words, our stories, which joined each other with scissors, needle and thread, to get to know each other and recognise each other as a community. The sculptures we collectively created were made to fly thanks to the teamwork of the skillful hands of young and old…”

After completing the construction phase, the participants were guided through a training process on how to fly the Aerosolar sculpture. The result of this interweaving made its debut during the event “ComunitAria – Aerocene in Tre Archi”, organised as part of the FAMI AGIRE di comunità Project at the Social Center Luigi Salvatori, San Tommaso Tre Archi, Fermo. After the event some of the newly become Aerosolar Pilots shared their impressions:

“…Watching the aerosolar sculptures fly was a breathtaking thrill! Heartfelt thanks go to Lorenzo Malloni @malloni.lorenzo for this opportunity, which he followed with heart and precision, conveying immense passion and professionalism, and for making the Lido Tre Archi neighbourhood an important hub for the Italian @aerocene community…”

Thanks to the Workshop participants: Meryem, Saida, Ousman, Happiness, Peace, Rajni, Favour, Edda, Maria, Ivana, Imran, Zohra, Palak, Alisa, Elvira, Ruben, Mouna; who patiently and committedly put themselves on the line, creating a wonderful work, and to Sint, Oltrelacoltre, ldgu and Ricky Antolini for colouring the afternoon with music and making people dance.

📸 Ph > Alessio Beato @alessiobeato

Salinas Grandes Meeting 2023

January 14—15, 2023
San Franciso del Alfarcito, Jujuy

We are running out of time. Faced with the worsening of the climate crisis and the urgency of the energy transition, our first message is:

We no longer want to be a sacrifice zone. We need the transition, but we cannot accept just any energy transition, such as the one that is currently trying to be imposed on the peoples of the South through lithium mining, which amplifies social, ethnic and environmental inequalities. We must listen to the voices of the territories, in defense of water, salt flats and our common goods.

This meeting marks the continuation of a long-standing relationship between the research and environmental artivism community Aerocene, founded in 2015 by artist Tomás Saraceno, and the indigenous communities of Salinas Grandes and Laguna de Guayatayoc. In January 2020, the aerosolar sculpture Aerocene Pacha rose over the Salinas Grandes and floated with its pilot, Leticia Noemi Marqués, without the use of fossil fuels, helium or lithium, becoming the most sustainable flight in human history and setting 32 world records recognized by the FAI. The balloon carried the message “Water and life are worth more than lithium” written with the communities of Salinas Grandes and Laguna de Guayatayoc. The Fly with Aerocene Pacha project was supported by the music group BTS, curated by DaeHyung Lee.

On this occasion, the Aerocene team will travel together with representatives of the Colectivo de Acción por la Justicia Ecosocial (CAJE), including Maristella Svampa, Enrique Viale, Gastón Chillier, Melisa Argento, and Alejo de Risio, as well as the lawyer Alicia Chalabe and representatives of the Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Bruno Fornillo, from the group Geopolítica y bienes comunes, curator Inés Katzenstein, and writers and environmentalists Claudia Aboaf, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara and Graciela Speranza.

In conjunction with an agenda of activities that includes workshops on key components for a just Ecosocial Transition from the global South and the centrality of the Rights of Nature in the defense of the Salinas Grandes and Laguna Guayatayoc watershed, the screening of the first cut of Pacha (Dir: Tomás Saraceno and Maximiliano Laina, Argentina/Germany, 2020) will take place. Pacha is an ever-changing film that will continue to be expanded and modified in ongoing dialogue with the communities, the changing situation in the Salinas Grandes, and the evolution of local and global strategies in the face of the environmental crisis, with a new arrangement being presented in June 2023 at Serpentine, London.

* Workshops require prior registration. If you’d like to participate please get in touch with via the Contact page


Friday, January 13

11:30 hs.

Location: Union of Hotel and Gastronomic Tourism Workers (UTHGRA), Jujuy section, located at 676 Benito Bárcena St., San Salvador de Jujuy.

Saturday, January 14th

Location: Alfarcito Community


8 hs.

Community breakfast in San Francisco de Alfarcito

10 hs.

Workshop 1 – Legal Strategies and Visibilization of the Rights of the Salinas Grandes


13 hs.

Community lunch in San Francisco de Alfarcito

15 hs.

Practical workshops to generate strategies, images and messages for the visibilization of the struggle in defense of the Salinas Grandes.

19 hs.

Screening of Pacha (Dir: Tomás Saraceno and Maximiliano Laina, Argentina/Germany, 2020)


A film with the Aerocene community by Tomás Saraceno with Maximiliano Laina, from the Fly with Aerocene Pacha series.

  • Argentina/Germany, 2020
  • Saturday 14 January 2023, 19 hs.
  • Club Social y Deportivo el Porvenir, Av. San Martín s/n, San Francisco de Alfarcito
  • 34 min.

Pacha highlights local communities’ transgenerational testimonies on climate change and their protest against lithium mega-mining, in defence of the salt flat’s fragile ecology, biodiversity and ancestral traditions.

Sunday, January 15th

Location: Alfarcito Community


8 hs.

Community breakfast in San Francisco de Alfarcito

10 hs.

Workshop 2: How to give visibility to the struggle of communities in the face of the energy transition and increased lithium extraction – Several cases


13 hs.

Community lunch in San Francisco de Alfarcito

15 hs.

Practical workshops to generate strategies, images and messages for the visibility of the struggle in defense of the Salinas Grandes.

Ecosocial Justice Action Collective (CAJE)

Maristella Svampa, Enrique Viale, Gastón Chillier y Melisa Argento, Alejo di Risio

FARN - Environment & Natural Resources Foundation

Pía Marchegiani, María Laura Castillo Díaz

Mirá - Ecofeminist and Socio-environmental Collective

Maristella Svampa, Claudia Aboaf, Gabriela Cabezón Cámara

AADEAA - Argentine Association of Environmental Lawyers

Enrique Viale, Maristella Svampa

Alicia Chalabe

Lawyer for the Indigenous Communities of Salinas Grandes, Jujuy

Verónica Chávez

President of the Aboriginal Community Santuario Tres Pozos

Inés Katzenstein

Visual Arts Curator

Graciela Speranza

Critic, Storyteller, Screenwriter

International Aerocene Community

Tomás Saraceno, Maxi Laina, Lucía Cash, Joaquín Ezcurra