in, on, with and for the air
6-11 Sept 2019
Olympiaberg, Munich
The attempts to become on air lifted only by the Sun will resume Tue. 10.09.19, 8am.
Launch site: 48°02’32.9″N 11°11’03.5″E / Hechendorf, Inninger str., 82229 Seefeld

Aerocene Human Flight, White Sands, NM, United States, 2015. Courtesy Aerocene Foundation © Photography by Christ Chavez
Aerocene rising in Munich
From the 6—11th September, Aerocene uprises over Olympiaberg, Munich as an artistic symbol of the movements towards emissions-free mobilities, through which a new era beyond the fossil fuel-based world order could arise.
Dawn enlivens a temporal landscape occupying the Olympiaberg, composing the launch-pad of the Aerocene Festival. Interactive aerosolar sculptures rise daily, only with the heat of the sun, appealing to different senses, transcending disciplines and unleashing imaginative potentials. Here, anyone can become aerosolar pilots and experiment with the movements of the sculptures, sensing the various interconnections of this planet on an atmospheric level.
In addition to daily flights and pilot courses, talks, Do-It-Together think tanks and workshops are hosted by a dedicated and diverse group of individuals including Erik Bordeleau, Emanuele Braga, Diogo da Cruz, Johannes Herms and Konrad Altenmüller (SFB42), Ayushi Dhawan, Beate Engl, Dorothea Hutterer, David Luigart, Igor Mikloušić, Denis Maksimov and Timo Tuominen (Avenir Institute), Tomás Saraceno, Débora Swistun, Susanne Witzgall, FabLab München e.V. and KlimaHerbst and many many more.
The people of Munich, and the entire Aerocene community, are invited to come together at the Aerocene Festival, on site or online, during our planetary moment of climate crisis. The festival and its flights are weather dependent, inviting participants to reconsider our own dependency on natural forces, and the dominance we have forged over our environment. How could we declare our solidarity with the air? And, how could values shift through the experience of aerosolar drifting?

Erik Bordeleau; Emanuele Braga (Landscape Choreography, Macao); Ayushi Dhawan (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society); Joaquin Ezcurra; Diogo da Cruz, Johannes Herms and Konrad Altenmüller (SFB42); Thomas Krahn; Beate Engl; Dorothea Hutterer (Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society); Avenir Institute (Denis Maksimov & Timo Tuominen); David Luigart (IMAL, Eduart K); Igor Mikloušić (Balon klub Zagreb); Tomás Saraceno (Aerocene Foundation, Studio Tomás Saraceno); Débora Swistun; Susanne Witzgall (cx centre for interdisciplinary studies); FabLab München e.V.; KlimaHerbst.
Together with Aerocene Foundation, including Camilla Berggren Lundell; Gwilym Faulkner; Charles Gonzales; Alice Lamperti; Roxanne Mackie; and Erik Vogler.
With the support of Cordula Schütz; Daniel Bürkner; and Kerstin Möller of Landeshauptstadt München, Kulturreferat; alongside Sara Mack (freispiel Kulturagentur) and Nan Mellinger;
Aerocene Community members Sasha Engelmann and Nick Shapiro, along with Sven Steudte, Rebecca Schedler and Orlando Pietromarchi; and Studio Tomás Saraceno, among which Lars Behrendt; Sonia d’Agrain; Lucas Mateluna; Saverio Cantoni; Dario Laganá; Andrea Familari; Beatrice Marotta and LUPA Film.
Finally, with endless thanks to the multitude of all other Aerocene dreamers, thinkers and makers around the planet!
48.1699° N, 11.5515° E
Bus 144: Olympiaberg
Festival-Infopoint: Martin-Luther-King-Weg 9, Munich
Lunch break: 13:00–14:00
The festival is multilingual, with workshops held in German and English. You are welcome to participate in either language, and to introduce further languages to the festival as a whole – Italian, Spanish, Swedish, and many more are already represented!
We actively welcome people of all ages, backgrounds and experiences to join us at the festival, to wander, linger, experiment and exchange – together, Aerocene grows!
The festival and all activities are free of charge, and we recommend bringing sunglasses.