The six-part seminar (25.11., 02.12., 09.12.2019 + 09.03., 16.03., 23.03.2020) with Erik Bordeleau is open to all interested parties, regardless of age, occupation or level of education.
The counter-ecological tendencies of the capitalist system have been analyzed and described in countless ways. The challenge of our time is to reverse engineer this destructive process. How can we internalize in commons what has been systematically externalized and expropriated by the current economic system? How can we bring about new calibrations between the realm of the quantitative and qualitative aspects of living, allowing for a wider range of values and life nurturing practices to gain currency? Could the recent development in blockchain-based cryptoeconomics contribute to this task?
This is a cosmo-financial proposal
A speculative forecast from the weather within and underground
To free the time that remains from the financial grip
To generate new beliefs in the world
To activate a series of speculative gestures to truly inhabit the present.
This seminar aims to contribute to the ongoing civilizational paradigm shift we are partaking, rethinking value at the end of the economy as we know it and experimenting with new methodologies for the ecologizing of our techno-social, organizational and financial imaginaries. It will unfold in close partnership with the Aerocene Foundation, an interdisciplinary artistic community initiated by artist Tomás Saraceno that seeks to devise a new atmospheric aesthesis, making felt the air as a living medium by different means in order to activate a renewed imaginary of the aerocommons and generating worlding practices better attuned with the thermodynamic (un)balance of the Earth.
The seminar will articulate around collective discussions of key contemporary texts about ecological and cryptoeconomics matters (foregrounding issues of affective and ecological attunement, ontologies of governance, knowledge infrastructure for germinal collective action, etc.); and design sessions addressing more specific concerns related to the Aerocene community’s efforts at self-organizing and desire to engage in experimental ways to approach issues of decentralized value exchange, the entanglement of art flows, airflows and economic flows, mobility challenges at planetary scale, etc.
Erik Bordeleau is researcher at the SenseLab (Concordia University, Montreal), fugitive planner at the Economic Space Agency (ECSA) and affiliated researcher at the Center for Arts, Business & Culture of the Stockholm School of Economics. With Saloranta & De Vylder, he is developing The Sphere, a p2p community platform for self-organization in the performing arts. He is based in Berlin and enjoys, from time to time, the discreet charm of the precariat.