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Aerocene moves to FabCity Summit

During July 2018, Aerocene community was invited along Tomás Saraceno to participate on Fab City Summit, at La Villette, Paris.


Day 1 – Thursday July 12th

We were invited to participate on a conference on which we talked about many of the projects the Aerocene community has been taking part of. Tomás Saraceno, Erik Vogler, Joaquin Ezcurra and Sasha Engelmann discussed several topics ranging from Aerosolar flights, the Anthropocene, environmental suffering, pollution monitoring and education. You can watch their presentation on the following video:


Day 2 – Friday July 13th

Togetether with Julieta Arancia, we set out to give a workshop on building a community based pollution monitor sensor.

Grace Pappas took her turn with an amazing workshop about creating payloads for solar balloon built out of recycled materials.


After these workshops everyone was eager to see the balloons fly! Which is what we did, lucky enough to have a few cameras recording the flights.


Have a look at how our Aerosolar Sculptures flew on the gorunds of Cité des Sciences at La Villette, Paris.


The photos on this gallery were taken by photo: Stefano Borghi ©


Thanks to Aldo Sollazo and Noumena for this amazing video!


Fab City Summit (11-13 July 2018), Paris, France; Erik Vogler, Sasha Engelmann, Camilla Berggren Lundell, Joaquin Ezcurra, Grace Pappas and Julieta Arancio.

With special thanks to Francesco Cingolani (Fab City Summit) and Romain Di Vozzo (FAB14)